Premodaya TV - Meditations for Modern Times Archive
Discover Complete Guided Meditations by Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodaya
Not since Gautama Buddha has any Spiritual Master created complete step-by-step guided meditations of contemplation and understanding such as these by BODHISATTVA SHREE SWAMI PREMODAYA—simple, clear, profound and directly transformational.
2 August 2006
Walks you through the simple process of reclaiming your natural ability to be relaxed, open, and available to life. Come back from the outer space you live in, and experience the inner space that is yours.
9 August 2006
Elucidates the societal conditionings that pit us against ourselves and doom us to the proverbial ‘rat race’–and then spells out the antidote: valid methods for actually being loving toward yourself and others.
16 August 2006
The distant call from the Beyond is only heard by the fortunate few. The sublime meaning of that call, and how to most effectively answer it, are the subject of Premodaya’s inspiring exposition on recognizing the urge to the divine alive in all of us.
23 August 2006
Promotes deep understanding of how to actually ‘let go/let god’ - and gain true comprehension of the transcendental dimension accessible to anyone willing to go ‘beyond the mind.’
30 August 2006
Definitively elucidates the source and the nature of joy itself—and teaches the simple steps which, when practiced, lead inevitably to the removal of your joy-dampening tendencies. Joy is the truest natural state, which is the very mood of the Divine!
6 September 2006
Explicates the basic understanding required to truly accept reality, and go beyond ideas, viewpoints, perceptions—even beyond experience per se—to the greater reality—the psychedelic nature of existence.
4 October 2006
The one who lives as all things, the divine person, is neither abstract nor remote. God is not the creator, but rather, the very creation itself, alive, vital, fluid and bursting with life & energy & light. This very moment, God is breathing you.
13 September 2006
The ‘Beyond’ is not some far away place separate from this place. The Beyond, the Ultimate, is the very context you are already in—here, now. You are standing in it: and you can raise your consciousness to be keenly (and gratefully) aware of it.
27 September 2006
A complete step-by-step guided meditation that teaches freedom from the ‘ceaseless mind chatter’ that most of us are constantly engaged (trapped) in. Gives simple, practical and eminently practicable methods which anyone can employ easily.
1 November 2006
This life is not what most of us take it to be. Rather, it is meant to be the launching pad for an entirely different (and truly satisfying) kind of experiencing—a direct knowing of truth, of selflessness. You are here to ascend to the higher life.
15 November 2006
Walks you through the actual process for regaining your natural ability to be relaxed, open, and available to life—rather than battling with your daily life. Offers you real solutions, easily achieved.
22 November 2006
Gratitude is the coin of the spiritual realm—where you start, where you end—the practice, the feeling, the goal, the refuge, the antidote, and the correct measure. Let Premodaya teach you the secrets of gratitude.
29 November 2006
Comprehensively explains the barriers to equanimity, serenity and contentment that all of us are faced with—and teaches optimum practical methods for attaining actual, genuine, permanent inner peace.
30 November 2006
“I am inviting you [to] dive deep into yourself… that is the doorway to the divine. Not in experience, through experience—beyond experience… Truth is not an experience… and the possibility is to awaken from the nightmare of ‘I/me/mine'.”
8 March 2007
Provides not only a deep understanding of how and why worry occurs in us, but also the actual “owner’s manual” info on how to truly come out of constant self-concern and step into recognizing the trustworthiness of life.
1 April 2007
“Spend your time and energy on what feels like love. Spend your time & energy & effort on what feels like nourishment, not what feels like poison,” Swami Premodaya tells us. “You are a child of God… accept yourself!”