Welcome to Premodaya TV
Spiritual Master,
Swami Premodaya
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For twenty years continuously, Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodaya has offered a huge variety of public meetings, spiritual gatherings, and life-changing events. This completely free service gives you unlimited access to over 650 full-length video and audio recordings, culled from all the years of Swamiji’s work, available here on PremodayaTV. These include satsangs, darshans, spiritual discourses, guided meditations, and other events - accessible with a single click.
Click on ‘Spiritual Wisdom Library’ in the menu bar to select a catalog to start watching!
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Your free account grants you unlimited access to over 650 full-length satsangs, darshans, spiritual discourses, and more! This means hundreds of hours of Swami Premodaya’s most transformational, consciousness-raising material.
All recorded live - and capturing Premodaya’s astounding way of working with individuals, often generating visible transformation. He unhesitatingly answers every question and addresses every topic, presented by seekers representing every walk of life, belief system, and stage of spiritual development.
“Listening to Swami Premodaya is a must for every student devoted to the path of enlightenment.”
Experience Premodaya extemporaneously addressing directly and unflinchingly all of the important questions of human life – offering a radical, unique and potent blend of East and West, ancient and modern, new and old, and without reference to any religion, philosophy or spiritual theory.
New content added regularly!
Video and audio recordings spanning nineteen years from a variety of public meetings, spiritual gatherings, and life-changing events. This means hundreds of hours of Swami Premodaya’s most transformational, consciousness-raising material, here on PremodayaTV.
Get access to a series of Swami Premodaya's curated talks titled “collections.” These transformative talks on engaging topics cover everything from "What Every Spiritual Seeker Must Know" to "Spirituality & Sexuality" - and more!
PremodayaTV is supported by donations from the community. If you would like to make a contribution to support others in coming together with Swami Premodaya, please consider making a donation.
All proceeds support JewelTree Center for Spiritual Growth & Guidance, a 501(c)(3) non-profit spiritual organization.